Imma Fita Payes

Trabajos en pintura digital

Trabajos en pintura acrílica sobre tela, papel, cartón, madera

Trabajos en pintura digital sobre fondo transparente

Trabajos digitales en póster de gran formato,[plotter 50x70] para fiestas populares

Trabajos con fotos

Mi blog de cocina

The Beatles

Gifs Animados


Libro de Visitas

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Alegrémonos de vivir porque tenemos la oportunidad de amar, de trabajar, de leer, de contemplar las estrellas y las manifestaciones artísticas. Respecto a lo último, también es cierto que no podemos esperar a que a todo el mundo le guste la novia. Hacer arte es tan solo la mitad de la aventura, la otra es la respuesta de quienes lo ven.  
  La exposición que nos presenta Imma Fita Payes
( También conocida artísticamente como RuRu ), profundiza en una de sus etapas de mayor intensidad creativa en donde está muy ligada al concepto de crear un mundo nuevo paralelo al real que no reproduce lo visible; hace visible.
  Crea Imma Fita Payes un mundo fantástico, existente sólo en el interior de la mente de esta artista, mientras que la obra en sí, se transforma en la ventana a ese universo, desde el que podemos contemplar, sólo a modo de espectadores mudos, la naturaleza de su experiencia ajena. Eso sí, nos acerca más a las realidades cotidianas, siendo menos transcendentales y afirmándonos en el aquí abajo que nos rodea.
En Imma Fita Payes la mezcla técnica entre lo fotográfico y lo pictórico, con su propia imagen o la de familiares y amigos como motivo central, es el modo de esta artista de conseguir ese punto de reflexión ante la realidad o virtualidad del espacio, ante la noción de modelo y de lo que está representando. Lo que importa en ella es el resultado final que ha concebido y que en ningún momento tiene carácter efímero.  
  Su obra tanto en manipulación digital o en acrílico, tiene el aspecto de un juego casi espontaneo, infantil, plasmado con gran facilidad que esconde una actitud muy calculada, de gran esfuerzo y que se apoya en sus inquietudes.

Por: Eduardo Arboleda Ballén - Crítico de Arte, Escritor y Periodista




Dear Imma Fita Payes:

I am pleased to inform you that your work qualifies for to be included in the GROUP of ARTISTS we are starting.

The artists associated to our GROUP participate in a series of activities, directed really to complete an interesting curriculum on a par that to promote its work continuously.

Thus, by a period of two years, we will like to count on your work since we thought that, without a doubt, she will offer a good result to us.

We want to emphasize that the first programmed activity will be in the Museum of Miami.

Receive a warm greeting,

M. Rufi-Gibert, Artist, Art Critic & Artistic Manager.

October 21, 2002
Imma Fita Payes becomes member of the EuroAmerica Galleries Artists Group
with permanent exhibitions in Barcelona - San Francisco & Miami.

 This web site participates in: aRT wEB Community.
 Traffic Rank for Imma Fita Payes WebSite.  
 This web site is The Winner of The Downloadroute Excellent Award.
 This web site participates in: FiberDownload 5 Stars Award.
 This web site participates in: Top20Free Award.
 This web site is The Winner of The Golden Web Award 2002-2003.
 This web site participates in: The Letters Collection of IncrediMail.
 This web site participates in: Soft32 Award.
 This web site participates in: The Golden web Award 2003-2004.
 This web site participates in: Forbes Top 100 Sites for Woman.
 This web site participates in: Global Shareware Award.
 This web site participates in: Soft-3k Award.
 This web site participates in: Diamond web Award 2003.
Google PR™ - Post your Page Rank with
The MOMS Club of Windsor Area in Colorado uses a lot of The Imma Fita Payes Graphics to design its new website.    This web site participates in: DownloadRage.  
   This web site is The Winner of The Aloha Award.      

April 6, 2010

Digital Work Made By Imma Fita Payes got an EXCELLENT award

This product Digital Work Made By Imma Fita Payes has been tested by the Download Route labs and we have GRANTED it by our Award on April 6, 2010.

Digital Work Made By Imma Fita Payes

Dec 05, 2005

The MOMS Club of Windsor Area in Colorado, uses a lot of The Imma Fita Payes Graphics to design its new website. wrote about Imma Fita Payes: - "Boasting strong colors and pop art, its DiGiTaL aRt are guaranteed to please, and to surprise." -

you are great...I am an artist belong in a studio gallery here in miami beach you know are like could be big me 305.531.88** [last two numbers hidden for privacy]   -   Dee from Miami Beach.

    Terry Pyles &  Imma Fita Payes  

March 07, 2005

Imma Fita Payes meets with Terry Pyles

Dear Imma Fita Payes, Glad you like the definition of Naivete, I will send you links to some
artists I know who do this type of art, although yours is more true to
the definition than theirs.
Terry Pyles - Internationally known for his paintings of North American Wildlife.

Apr 15 2005 / 15:34:52
Dear Imma Fita Payes,   Thank you so much for sharing your home and opening your heart to us. Words will never express our feelings for you, Jordi, Imma and Emma, and the dog Pesseta. We enjoyed our visit with you so much! Thanks for taking care of us. You are wonderful!!!! You will be in our thoughts and memories forever! Please come visit us in Alaska!   Love and hugs!   Terry and Cheri   from Ketchikan - Alaska.

 This web site is The Winner of The Aloha Award.
Aloha & Congratulations!!
Your Web site has been reviewed by or staff of webmasters and unlike most of the sites submitted to us, you are a winner!!  This is not an easy award to win.  That is why our award is seen so infrequently. Congratulations and Aloha, - Kealoha, Leilani, Bruce and Steve
Hawaii City - Web masters

   The site of Imma Fita Payes DiGiTaL aRt is a proud winner of the: 2003 - 2004 Golden Web Award   The site Imma Fita DiGiTaL aRt is a proud winner of the

2003- 2004 Golden Web Award:

October 03, 2003

Halloween Bat created by Imma Fita Payes DiGiTaL aRt New
A giant bat, what can it mean? Lest you forget: it's Halloween!

Dear Imma Fita Payes, about your HALLOWEEN Design, That's great! I'll have a look, though I know already that I'll love them... thanks, -heinz--

Heinz Tschabitscher - - Guide to Email

Dear Imma Fita Payes, I adore your use of color. I am an artist and sculptor and Your site caught my eye. What a wonderful collection!. Thanks. :) Stacey from Brooklyn NY.

    August 30, 2003


August 20, 2005
    Domenech Fita & Bernd Zimmermann   Domenech Fita &  Imma Fita   Bernd Zimmermann & Xicu Cabanyes   Bernd Zimmermann &  Imma Fita Payes

Imma Fita Payes meets with Domenech Fita , Bernd Zimmermann & Xicu Cabanyes

in an exhibition in the Bernd Zimmermann WerkstattGalerie

Hello Imma Fita Payes, Just discovered your colourful happy pictures and I LOVE them !!! I am a commercial artist and I think I know what I am talking about.You must be a very happy person who loves life. Keep up the good work ! My best wishes and regards. Hannelore Bucan from Toronto, Canada.

     The site Imma Fita Payes DiGiTaL aRt is a proud winner of the: 2002- 2003 Golden Web Award   The site Imma Fita Payes DiGiTaL aRt is a proud winner of the

2002- 2003 Golden Web Award:

     Congratulations! - Your site has been selected to receive a Ink Link Award! - We don't give this award out to just every web site -- so wear your award with pride.  

March 23, 2002

Your site has been selected to receive a Ink Link Award!
We don't give this award out to just every web site -- so wear your award with pride.

Agora Gallery Logo
Agora Gallery

Contemporary art gallery established 1984, located at the center of the New York Chelsea fine art galleries district. Art consulting services are provided to corporate and private art collectors.
Collective exhibitions feature diverse contemporary art of various genres including painting, drawing, sculpture, photography and mixed media. Artist portfolios are reviewed.


Dear Imma Fita Payes,
You have been accepted for representation by Agora Gallery, New York City.
I am pleased to inform you that your work qualifies for Agora Gallery
The body of work as a whole reveals an expressive method of painting; there
exists a heightened understanding of structure, color and apposing elements
of spontaneous movement and orchestrated composition. The richness of
emotional nuance is very powerful.
Agora Gallery was established in 1984 by a fine artist who was looking for
an opportunity to break into the New York art market. We hope you will find
it important to be a part of our family of artists and a member of the SOHO
community, one of the most important centers of the art world.

Agora Gallery ,415 West Broadway, New York, NY.

Lets be happy because we are alive and we have the opportunity to love, work, read, and gaze at the stars and artistic manifestations.
In respect to the last, it's also true that we can't expect that everyone would like the bride. Making art it's only half of the adventure, the other half it's the response of those that view it.
The exposition that Imma Fita Payes ( ) presents, deepens into one of the facets of mayor creativity on which she's very intertwined to the concept of creating a new world parallel to the real that doesn't reproduce the visible; makes it visible.
Imma Fita Payes creates a fantastic world, existing only on the inside of her artistic mind, while the work itself transforms into a window to that universe, on which we can contemplate only as mute spectators the nature of her experience.
One thing is for sure, She gets us closer to the everyday realities, reassuring us on the things that surround us here on earth.
In Imma Fita Payes, Her technical mix between the photography and paintings, with her own images or the family and friends as the main motive, it's her way of obtaining the point of reflection before the reality or virtue of space, before the notion of model of what is represented.
What matters to her it's the conceived final result, and at no time has a character of ending, perishing or dying.
Her work, digitally and acrylic has, the aspect of a game almost spontaneous, childlike. Made with ease and that hides a very calculated attitude of a great effort that reinforces her ideas and concerns.
E. Arboleda. - Art Critic, Writer & Journalist.


January 10, 2002

The Imma Fita Payes DiGiTaL aRt web site participates in:
 This web site participates in: aRT wEB Community

My dearest friend Imma Fita Payes - *RuRu* - CONGRATULATIONS !.... for being mentioned in such a wonderful way. Your exceptional talent deserves it totally. You are truly a great artist and I suppose I am one of your greatest fans. I cannot thank you enough for sharing your creations with me and the internet community. A warm HUG and my deep RESPECT is on the way to you from Cologne. *Tina*

Your artwork is wonderful. Thanks for sharing your talent with the world.
I have a degree in fine art, including a backgound in Art History. I can see various painters "popping" up within your creations. Most of the images shown on the site display solid/real artistic creation...albeit it is overly borrowed from the Flower-Power generation.
Reminds me of several Naivete painters..with the spontaneity and "fresh" quality of the genre. it ALSO reminds me of my "earlier" days....looooong ago.....when I was a playing child. Keep up the great work!
SE GA., USA, the moment.

Thanks for your hard work. Please, with the winds of war now blowing we ( us Vets ) need the inspirations of ww2.Aircraft nose art , Posters of Uncle Sam wants you. Just a thought, Thanks, Lee from Maine USA.

I'm the email guide for About <>. I really like your digital creations <Imma Fita Payes DiGiTaL aRt at> (especially "tree", of course), and I'd like to share them with my visitors. I have, however, picked July, Boats, Spring and Sun stationery ...-- I hope you don't mind?. It's great! I really like it, and I'm sure the About Email users will, too! All the best, -einz . Guide to Email.

You are such a busy lady, I just thought you wouldn't, but now that I see what a wonderful, and enthusiastic lady you are, I should have known that you would! Imma Fita Payes, I'm quite sure I've met "My Match!"  It's not often now days that you find anyone with any real "life" in them. You know what I mean? Enthusiastic, positive, etc. Well, I see that in you, and I've always been that way too. My father called me "Bubbles" because I was always so bubbly. Now I'd like to share with you. I wrote a poem about enthusiastic people. I'll bet it would fit you to a "T". Here it is just for you! I saw all of the things I mentioned in my poem in your beautiful paintings.  So you see it is true! "It takes one to know one!" Your paintings are so ALIVE, AND SO VIBRANT! They are also very invigorating to anyone that loves life, and loves people, and loves nature!  Your message certainly comes across Imma Fita Payes, and you are also very kind to exhibit your beautiful gift for all of us to enjoy. Enjoy my poem, Imma Fita Payes It's what I see in your beautiful creations! Warm love, Connie.   My Pen name is Cheri Cam LeBren because I have four dear children: Cherilyn my oldest daughter(Cheri) Cami my youngest daughter(Cam) Brennan is my oldest son,(Bren) and LeMontie is my youngest son.(Le) P.S. Your daughters are as beautiful as their Mother.Cheri Cam LeBren from Cheyenne, WY.